第1回JAEAタンデトロンAMS利用報告会論文集; 2007年11月14日,青森県むつ市
Proceedings of the 1st JAEA Tandetron AMS Utilization Workshop; November 14, 2007, Mutsu-shi Japan
天野 光; 甲 昭二
Amano, Hikaru; Kabuto, Shoji
Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS) can determine ultra low level long-lived radioactive isotopes in high sensitivity and precision. Tandetron AMS had been adjusted for the measurement of C and I. The AMS has mainly been used for marine research around the Japan Sea. This AMS has adopted the open door policy for the general users from the spring of 2006. Recently varieties of research activities using this AMS have been in progress by many users. This biennial workshop aimed to not only exchange information on the AMS and its utilization but also continue stable operation of the AMS. First JAEA Tandetron AMS Utilization Workshop was held at Mutsu office, JAEA in November 14, 2007. In the workshop 76 participants attended. The topics of the conference concerned recent utilization status of AMS, data processing from the AMS, C and I measurement and their application, and so on. This proceeding includes 21 papers at the workshop.