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Ingot formation using uranium dendrites recovered by electrolysis in LiCl-KCl-PuCl$$_{3}$$-UCl$$_{3}$$ melt

Fukushima, Mineo; Nakayoshi, Akira  ; Kitawaki, Shinichi ; Kurata, Masaki* ; Yahagi, Noboru*

Products on solid cathodes recovered from metal pyrochemical processing were processed to obtain uranium ingot. Studies on process conditions for uranium forming, assay recovered uranium products and by-products and evaluation of mass balance were carried out. In this tests, it is confirmed that uranium ingots can be obtained with heating the products up to more than melting temperature of metal uranium under normal pressure because adhered salt cover the uranium not to oxidize it during uranium cohering. Volatilization of americium is very small under the condition of high temperature.



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