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Study on the weld characteristics of 316LN by magnetization measurement


Kim, H. C.*; Kim, K.*; Lee, Y. S.*; Cho, S. Y.*; 中嶋 秀夫

Kim, H. C.*; Kim, K.*; Lee, Y. S.*; Cho, S. Y.*; Nakajima, Hideo


The characteristics of 316LN welded joints produced by different welding wires were studied through temperature and field dependent magnetization measurements. The magnetic permeability of welded joints showed significant variations depending on the used welding wires. While the self-welded and low-Mn content filler-welded samples showed signs of secondary phase formation, considerable suppression of the secondary phase formation was observed in high-Mn content filler-welded samples. It is concluded that the high-Mn content welding wire is the best one for use in ITER superconducting magnets because its structure is very stable austenite.



- Accesses




分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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