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Report No.

Effect of experimental conditions on gas core length and downward velocity of free surface vortex in cylindrical vessel

Monji, Hideaki*; Shinozaki, Tatsuya*; Kamide, Hideki ; Sakai, Takaaki

This paper deals with characteristics of surface vortex in a cylindrical vessel. One of the characteristics is a gas core length which is important to estimate the onset condition of the gas entrainment but influenced easily by the experimental condition. In the experiment using water, the effects of the water temperature, water level and the surface tension on the gas core length were investigated. The onset condition of the gas entrainment is sometimes estimated by using the Burgers vortex model but the real flow in the vessel is different from the model. The velocity fields were measured by PIV and the velocity gradient of the downward flow was discussed. The proper flow conditions for the Burgers vortex model are a high water level and a high flow rate.



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