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Development of nicrosil-nisil type multi-paired thermocouple for high temperature

綿引 俊介; 斎藤 隆; 土谷 邦彦 ; 小原 浩史; 飯村 光一 

Watahiki, Shunsuke; Saito, Takashi; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Ohara, Hiroshi; Iimura, Koichi


This report is described for the development of nicrosil-nisil type multi-paired thermocouple which was usable at over 1000 degrees under the neutron irradiation environment. Developed nicrosil-nisil type multi-paired thermocouple has maximum 7 hot junctions in axial direction in a sheath. Though the design, trial production and out-pile tests, its productivity and electric performances were confirmed, and the production method was established.



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