MeV -ray generation from backward Compton scattering at SPring-8
SPring-8における逆コンプトン散乱によるMeV 線生成
川瀬 啓悟; 有本 靖*; 藤原 守; 岡島 茂樹*; 小路 正純*; 鈴木 伸介*; 田村 和宏*; 依田 哲彦*; 大熊 春夫*
Kawase, Keigo; Arimoto, Yasushi*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; Okajima, Shigeki*; Shoji, Masazumi*; Suzuki, Shinsuke*; Tamura, Kazuhiro*; Yorita, Tetsuhiko*; Okuma, Haruo*
A test experimental line at SPring-8 has been constructed for the generation of backward Compton scattered (BCS) -ray by head-on collision between an 8 GeV electron beam and a far-infrared (FIR) laser. For the FIR laser, we use a continuous-wave methanol laser optically pumped by a carbon dioxide () laser. The FIR laser output power achieved is 1.6 W at maximum for 118.8 m lasing; this value is the highest in the case of this type of laser. As a result of the direct measurement, the generated BCS -ray flux was found to be about photons/s. This value is consistent with the estimation calculated by taking into account the input laser power and the transmittance of the laser transport system.