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Report No.

Effects of oxygen annealing on dielectric properties of LuFeCuO$$_{4}$$

Matsuo, Yoji*; Suzuki, Muneyasu*; Noguchi, Yuji*; Yoshimura, Takeshi*; Fujimura, Norifumi*; Yoshii, Kenji  ; Ikeda, Naoshi*; Mori, Shigeo*

We have investigated the physical properties of LuFeCuO$$_{4}$$, which is a derivative material of the electronic ferroelectric LuFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$. From electron diffraction measurements at room temperature, ionic ordering of Fe$$^{3+}$$ and Cu$$^{2+}$$ in the a-b plane was observed. This ordering is similar to that in LuFe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$ and has an electric dipole. The observation of small domains (5-10 nm) indicates the presence of polar regions. Dielectric measurements showed that a peak of dielectric constant appeared at around 500 K, and the peak value was about 1000, indicating that LuFeCuO$$_{4}$$ is a dielectric material. We will present the experimental data on the samples prepared under high-pressure oxygen.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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