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Report No.

Analysis of oxygen potential of (U$$_{0.7}$$Pu$$_{0.3}$$)O$$_{2pm x}$$ and (U$$_{0.8}$$Pu$$_{0.2}$$)O$$_{2pm x}$$ based on point defect chemistry

Kato, Masato   ; Konashi, Kenji*; Nakae, Nobuo

Stoichiometries in (U$$_{0.7}$$Pu$$_{0.3}$$)O$$_{2pm x}$$ and (U$$_{0.8}$$Pu$$_{0.2}$$)O$$_{2pm x}$$ were analyzed from the experimental data of oxygen potential based on point defect chemistry. The relation between the deviation x from stoichimetric composition and oxygen partial pressure were evaluated. The concentrations of the point defects in MOX were estimated from the measured data of oxygen potential as functions of temperature and using Kr$"o$ger-Vink diagram. The analysis results showed that x was proportional to near stoichiometric region of both (U$$_{0.7}$$Pu$$_{0.3}$$)O$$_{2pm x}$$ and (U$$_{0.8}$$Pu$$_{0.2}$$)O$$_{2pm x}$$, which suggested that intrinsic ionization was dominant defect. The model to calculate oxygen potential was derived and represented the experimental data with precision, and thermodynamic data.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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