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Report No.

Highly efficient, easily spectrally tunable X-ray backlighting for the study of extreme matter states

Faenov, A. Y.; Pikuz, T.*; Loupias, B.*; Perez, F.*; Benizzi-Mounaix, A.*; Rabec Le Gloahec, M.*; Koenig, M.*; Aglitskiy, Y.*; Falize, E.*; Courtois, C.*; Bouquet, S.*; Michaut, C.*

Improved high luminosity, easily spectrally tunable backlighting scheme based on a spherically bent crystal is considered in this presentation to investigate High Energy Density physics. Contrary to the traditional backlighting scheme, we used the crystal far from normal incidence, and the backlighter source inside the Rowland circle. With the presented configuration, we obtained shock propagation images in low Z material with spatial resolution up to 8 micron in the desired direction and with X-ray backlighting energy close to 5keV. Results are discussed and consequently new possible backlighting sources expendable in such scheme are presented.



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