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One-quasiparticle bands in neutron-rich $$^{187}$$W

Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Ishii, Tetsuro  ; Makii, Hiroyuki*; Hayakawa, Takehito; Matsuda, Makoto  ; Shigematsu, Soichiro*; Ideguchi, Eiji*; Zheng, Y.*; Liu, M.*; Morikawa, Tsuneyasu*; Oi, Makito*

Modest spin states in neutron-rich $$^{187}$$W have been populated using a $$^{186}$$W($$^{18}$$O,$$^{17}$$O) one-neutron transfer reaction. While negative-parity bands previously known are extended to higher spin, two positive-parity bands are newly identified. Configurations based on $$nu$$ i$$_{13/2}$$ orbitals are assigned to these bands from an analysis of the level energy systematics as well as the g-factors derived from in-band branching ratios.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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