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Report No.

Improvement effect of neutronics design accuracy by conducting MA-loaded critical experiments in J-PARC

Sugawara, Takanori  ; Sasa, Toshinobu   ; Oigawa, Hiroyuki 

Error analyses were conducted to estimate the benefit of the MA-loaded critical experiments in J-PARC on the error reduction in neutronics design of transmutation systems. By using the cross-section adjustment procedure, it was quantitatively confirmed that hypothetical MA-loaded critical experiments at TEF-P (Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility) in J-PARC would reduce the errors caused by the nuclear data for transmutation systems. For the criticality, the errors for the MA-loaded Fast Reactor (FR) and the Accelerator Driven System (ADS) were could be reduced from 0.49% and 1.03% to 0.35% and 0.80%, respectively. It was also confirmed that small experimental errors of the order of $$10^{-6} Delta$$ k/k are necessary for the measurement of MA fuel pin reactivity worth to improve the error caused by MA nuclear data. This experimental error level can be achieved by adopting the sample oscillation technique.



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