Overview of the accelerator in broader approach IFMIF/EVEDA project
Shinto, Katsuhiro ; Vermare, C.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Garin, P.*; Maebara, Sunao; Mosnier, A.*
During 6 years of IFMIF/EVEDA project, design, construction, operation and dismantle of a prototype accelerator as an engineering validation activity and an accelerator engineering design activity for IFMIF including the interfaces with the Li loop target system and the material irradiation test facilities will be performed. The prototype accelerator consists of a 100 keV injector equipped with an ECR ion source, a radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) linac accelerating the beam up to 5 MeV, the first section of the drift tube linac (DTL) accelerating the beam up to 9 MeV, a beam diagnostic system, RF high power sources and subsystems. Most of the accelerator components are provided by European institutions (CEA/Saclay, CIEMAT, INFN, etc.), while the RF couplers for the RFQ linac, the supervision of the accelerator control system and the accelerator prototype building constructed at Rokkasho BA site for the beam tests are provided by JAEA. The R&D activities and the future schedule of the prototype accelerator of the IFMIF/EVEDA project will be presented.