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Report No.

Experiment and analysis for criticality in small fast reactor with reflector at FCA

Fukushima, Masahiro   ; Okajima, Shigeaki  ; Mori, Takamasa; Takeda, Toshikazu*; Kinoshita, Izumi*

The criticality was measured in a series of mock-up cores simulated small fast reactor with massive reflector at FCA facility of JAEA in order to evaluate the prediction accuracy of the current analysis code system. In the analyses, the effective cross sections were obtained by using an ultra-fine group cell calculation code. The JENDL-3.3 cross section library was used. The core calculations for the criticality were performed by using a three-dimensional S$$_{N}$$ transport code. Conventional calculations with a standard 70 energy group structure and under the P$$_{0}$$ transport approximation overestimated the experimental values up to 1.5%$${Delta}$$$$k$$/$$k$$. Furthermore, the calculation parameters were investigated concerning the fine energy group structure and the higher Legendre order of anisotropic scattering cross section. Consequently, the calculation accuracy for the criticality was improved by about 1%$${Delta}$$$$k$$/$$k$$ with a 140 energy group structure and under the P$$_{3}$$ approximation.



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