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Report No.

High-temperature strength characterization of advanced 9Cr-ODS ferritic steels

Ukai, Shigeharu*; Otsuka, Satoshi   ; Kaito, Takeji ; Sakasegawa, Hideo*   ; Chikada, Nobuyoshi*; Hayashi, Shigenari*; Onuki, Somei*

Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steels, which are the most promising candidate materials for advanced fast reactor fuel elements, have exceptional creep strength at 973 K. The superior creep property of 9Cr-ODS ferritic steels is ascribed to the formation of a nonequilibrium phase, designated as the residual ferrite. The yield strength of the residual ferrite itself has been determined to be as high as 1360 MPa at room temperature from nanoindentation measurements. The creep strength is enhanced by minimizing the number of packet boundaries induced by the martensitic phase transformation. The creep strain occurs by sliding at weaker regions such as at the grain boundaries and packet boundaries. It is found that 9Cr-ODS ferritic steels behave as fiber composite materials comprising the harder residual ferrite and the softer tempered martensite.



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Category:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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