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Report No.

Observations of domain structure and ferroelectricity in Bi(Ni$$_{0.5}$$Ti$$_{0.5}$$)O$$_{3}$$ ceramics fabricated by high-pressure sintering

Kitada, Kazuya*; Kobune, Masafumi*; Adachi, Wataru*; Yazawa, Tetsuo*; Saito, Hiroyuki; Aoki, Katsutoshi; Mizuki, Junichiro; Ishikawa, Kenya*; Hiranaga, Yoshiomi*; Cho, Yasuo*

Bi(Ni$$_{0.5}$$Ti$$_{0.5}$$)O$$_{3}$$ ceramics with a perovskite structure was synthesized at a high pressure of 6 GPa. It was confirmed that the synthesized samples had a multidomain structure and ferroelectricity on the basis of scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy (SNDM) and polarization-electric field (P-E) hysteresis loop measurements.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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