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Can Monte Carlo track structure codes reveal reaction mechanism in DNA damage and improve radiation therapy?

Nikjoo, H.*; Emifietzoglou, D.*; Watanabe, Ritsuko; Uehara, Shuzo*

Microdosimetry and track structure have been applied to scrutinize and understand aspects of radiation damage in biological molecules from a theoretical approach. To this end track structure has provided a basis for understanding the mechanism(s) that shape dose-effect relationships. There is a wealth of information and data accumulated from radiation biology that need to be placed in the framework of a general descriptive theory. While there are many classical radiobiology questions remain unanswered new ideas and challenging question are emerging. Among many, simulation of radiation track at molecular level is an emerging tool in radiobiology and theoretical radiotherapy. In this paper we present recent progress in development of low energy electron tracks in condensed media and high energy proton tracks and discuss progress in characterizing DNA damage in terms of types and complexity.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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