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Report No.

Development of disassembly & pin chopping technology for FBR spent fuels

Kobayashi, Tsuguyuki*; Namba, Takashi*; Kawabe, Yukinari*; Washiya, Tadahiro 

Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have been developing fuel disassembly and fuel pin chopping systems for a future Japanese commercial FBR. At first, the wrapper tube is cut by the slit-cut to pull it out, then the fuel pins are cut by the crop-cut at their end-plugs to separate them from the entrance nozzle. The pins are transferred to the magazine of the chopping machine. A series of tests were performed to develop this procedure. As the result of mechanical cutting tests, the CBN wheel was selected. The slit-cut tests were carried out to evaluated the cutting performance of the wheel. Fuel pin handling tests were performed to transfer them from the disassembly machine to the chopping machine. The Saucer tray was selected to receive the disassembled pins. All the pins were transferred and loaded into a magazine of the chopping machine.



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