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Report No.

Remote control for experimental facilites and computer resources in nuclear fusion field based on atomic energy grid infrastructure (AEGIS)

Nakajima, Kohei

AEGIS (atomic energy grid infrastructure) is researched and developed by CCSE/JAEA for the construction of the computation science base in the nuclear power field. AEGIS is a grid computing infrastructure that enables a large-scale computers, the file servers, and the experimental facilities, etc. that two or more different organization, university, and research laboratories are connected mutually by using a high-speed line of Internet network and SINET3, and of each owns to be used as one integrated environment on the user terminal. It equips the hardware token authentication by the PKCS#11 method, the HTTPS encryption communication, and the user application by client API. Up to now, the effectiveness of remote use for the experimental facilities and the computer resources with AEGIS has been proven by applying it to a remote experiment of JT-60U and integration and the analysis systems of the application.



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