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Toward the construction of a database for metal binding sites in proteins

中村 建介

Nakamura, Kensuke


All the living things on the earth have evolved exploiting metal elements in the environment. Transition metals such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, molybdenum are essential to most organisms. Most of these transition metals in our body exist coordinating specific binding site in protein. Recently, the importance of these metal elements in biological system has been attracting attention from biologists. There are several biological function of these metal elements, such as the stabilization of protein structure, electron/oxygen transportation, redox mediator and catalysis. I intend to clarify the function of these metal binding proteins, by designing a database that include the all known local structure of metal binding sites in PDB (protein data bank). In this presentation, I will describe the policy of the database construction, applications developed for the database, and preliminary results.



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