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Report No.

Neutron reflectometry; The Principle and the instrumentation

Takeda, Masayasu  ; Matsuoka, Hideki*

X-ray and neutron reflectometries have been now widely used to determine the depth profile of thin films and artificial multilayers. These two techniques give similar information on the internal layered structures. Both probes, X-ray and neutron, are complementary to each other because X-ray sees the electron cloud around nuclei, while neutron sees the nuclei themselves. Therefore the complement-ary use of both X-ray and neutron reflectometries is very useful and sometimes necessary. In this talk we proposed a new instrument in which several probes such as neutron, X-ray, visible light and so on are used at the same time for the structural analysis of an identical specimen. The base of the instrument is supposed to be a new neutron reflectometer installed at MLF in J-PARC. Brief introduction of the neutron reflectometry and a neutron reflectometer, SUIREN, installed at JRR-3 of Japan Atomic Energy Agency is given.



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