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Report No.

Effect of ion irradiation on the gasochromism of tungsten trioxide films

Yamamoto, Shunya; Inoue, Aichi; Nagata, Shinji*; Sugimoto, Masaki; Yoshikawa, Masahito

Tungsten trioxide (WO$$_{3}$$) films are known to show optical absorbance changes due to the formation of tungsten bronze with hydrogen incorporation (gasochromism), and it can be used for hydrogen sensors. We report the effect of ion irradiation on the gasochromism of WO$$_{3}$$ films with various crystalline structures such as amorphous, polycrystalline and single crystal. Ion irradiations with 350 keV helium and oxygen were performed. Amorphous WO$$_{3}$$ films showed good gasochromic coloration. On the other hand, polycrystalline and single crystal WO$$_{3}$$ films show poor gasochromic coloration. After amorphized polycrystalline WO$$_{3}$$ films by the ion irradiations, the improvement of gasochromic coloration was observed. The results suggest that the gasochromism of WO$$_{3}$$ films is influenced by the change of crystalline structure by ion irradiation.



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