※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

ふげんMOX使用済燃料混合転換試験,1; 硝酸プルトニウム貯槽の温度評価について

MOX conversion test for Fugen MOX spent fuel, 1; Temperature evaluation for plutonium nitrate storage tank

中村 仁宣 ; 中道 英男; 高谷 暁和; 庄司 薫*; 松本 正喜; 藤咲 栄; 吉元 勝起

Nakamura, Hironobu; Nakamichi, Hideo; Takaya, Akikazu; Shoji, Kaoru*; Matsumoto, Masaki; Fujisaku, Sakae; Yoshimoto, Katsunobu


For the MOX conversion test by using plutonium nitrate solution that is recycled by Fugen MOX spent fuel, JAEA had performed temperature evaluation for plutonium solution receiving tank (annular shape), and had established the guideline of thermal effect by comparing the measured temperature with designed temperature.



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