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Report No.

GEOMASS; An Integrated geological and hydrogeological modelling and visualisation system in complex geological environments

Guimer$`a$, J.*; Saegusa, Hiromitsu; Onoe, Hironori ; Oyama, Takuya ; White, M. J.*; Robinson, P.*

The synthesis of research programmes, for understanding deep groundwater flow, needs proper tools that permit the integration of all or part of the indicated fundamental aspects of hydrogeological characterization. In this respect, the GEOMASS system, which is composed a preprocessor, including geological modelling, and postprocessor for the core named FracAffinity, has been developed. The FracAffinity solves for steady and transient 3D flow in saturated and unsaturated conditions and permits embedded deterministic or stochastically generated 2D fractures in a continuous porous domain. The most outstanding feature of GEOMASS is the ability to integrate highly complex geological models with the requirements of hydrogeological ones. FracAffinity has been applied to simulate a large number of hydrogeological situations. In addition, part of the saturated, unsaturated fracture flow capabilities of the code has been tested with commercial software, resulting in significant enhancements.



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