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Report No.

Development of scintillator based neutron detectors for intense pulsed neutrons, 16; Signal processing circuits for high S/N neutron beam monitor

Nakamura, Tatsuya  ; Katagiri, Masaki; Ebine, Masumi ; Hosoya, Takaaki*; Soyama, Kazuhiko  ; Schooneveld, E.*; Rhodes, N.*

We have developed pulsed neutron beam monitors with neutron scintillators composed of ZnS phosphors and neutron converters with very low neutron capture cross section. In order to develop neutron beam monitors with high S/N ratio and high counting rate characteristics, signal processing circuits with ISIS-type signal processing algorism were developed because ZnS phosphor has afterglow fluorescence and photomultipliers used for detection of fluorescence has many pulsed electric noises. Detection and signal processing characteristics as neutron beam monitors are reported.



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