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Report No.

Three-dimensional depletion analysis of the axial end of a Takahama fuel rod

DeHart, M. D.*; Gauld, I. C.*; Suyama, Kenya

Recent developments in spent fuel characterization methods have involved the development of several three-dimensional depletion algorithms based on Monte Carlo methods for the transport solution. However, most validation done to-date has been based on radiochemical assay data for spent fuel samples selected from locations in fuel assemblies that can be easily analyzed using two-dimensional depletion methods. This paper reports on the results of three-dimensional depletion calculations performed using the T6-DEPL depletion sequence of the SCALE 5.1 code system, which couples the KENO-VI Monte Carlo transport solver with the ORIGEN-S depletion and decay code, for a spent fuel sample that was extracted from the end region of the fuel rod.



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