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Report No.

Overview of the activities of the OECD/NEA/NSC working party on nuclear criticality safety

Rugama, Y.*; Blomquist, R.*; Brady Raap, M.*; Briggs, B.*; Gulliford, J.*; Miyoshi, Yoshinori; Suyama, Kenya; Ivanova, T.*

Over the years, substantial progress has been made in developing nuclear data and computer codes to evaluate criticality safety for nuclear fuel handling. This state-of-the-art knowledge also has an economic impact. Increased understanding of uncertainties in safety margins allow rational and more economical designs for manipulation, storage and transportation of fissile materials. In the mid-nineties, several activities related to criticality-safety were grouped together into the Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety. Six expert groups co-ordinate various activities that run the gamut from experimental evaluations to code and data inter-comparisons, for the study of static and transient criticality behaviors. The various reports produced by the expert groups attempt to establish practical rules and identify applicable tools when appropriate.



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