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Phase structures of Cu precipitate in Fe-Cu alloy studied by molecular dynamics simulation

阿部 陽介; 實川 資朗

Abe, Yosuke; Jitsukawa, Shiro


During ageing, Cu precipitates were observed initially coherent and on further growth they begin to transform by the sequence of bcc-9R-3R-fcc. Since structures of Cu precipitates are considered to be relevant to embrittlement, it is important to understand the mechanisms and conditions of precipitate transformation. In this work we investigate the dependency of the size of Cu precipitate and vacancy concentration on the structures of the precipitate by using the combination of the simulated annealing and molecular dynamics method. We firstly demonstrated that the phase transformation to 9R takes place in diameter of 5-6 nm for pure-Cu precipitate. Moreover, for the precipitate with a vacancy concentration 5at.%, the phase transformation can occur even in 4-5 nm assisted by the diffusional contribution of vacancies and nucleation of fcc embryos by them. This precipitate size that the phase transformation starts to occur is in good agreement with the experimentally observed one.



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