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Report No.

Accurate dose assessment system for an exposed person utilising radiation transport calculation codes in emergency response to a radiological accident

Takahashi, Fumiaki  ; Shigemori, Yuji*; Seki, Akiyuki   

A system has been developed to assess radiation dose distribution inside a body of exposed persons in a radiological accident by utilizing radiation transport calculation codes - MCNP and MCNPX. The system mainly consists of two parts, pre-processor and post-processor of the radiation transport calculation. Programs for the pre-processor are used to set up a "problem-dependent" input file, which defines the accident condition and dosimetric quantities to be estimated. The developed program for the post-processor part can effectively indicate dose information based upon the output file of the code. All of the programs in the dosimetry system can be executed with a generally used personal computer and accurately give the dose profile to an exposed person in a radiological accident without complicated procedures. An experiment using a physical phantom was carried out to verify the availability of the dosimetry system with the developed programs in a $$gamma$$-ray irradiation field. The dosimetry system with the developed programs can appropriately assess dose distribution inside or on the human body, if the user exactly define the source and human models and their geometric relationship.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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