Prediction of crack due to corrosion of reinforcing bar in low alkali concrete
竹田 宣典*; 入矢 桂史郎*; 人見 尚*; 小西 一寛*; 栗原 雄二*
Takeda, Nobufumi*; Iriya, Keishiro*; Hitomi, Takashi*; Konishi, Kazuhiro*; Kurihara, Yuji*
To evaluate applicability as the steel reinforced concrete of the concrete with the low alkalinity cement which contains pozzolan that has been examined to apply for high level radioactive waste disposals, concrete of 30% water-cement ratio was performed 6-year marine exposure examination, aging of their compressive strength, the intrusion width of the chloride ion and the corrosion of reinforcing bar were investigated. And based on these results, progress of corrosion of reinforcing bar and the outbreak time of reinforcing corrosion crack were predicted. As a result, the following result became clear. (1) There is no fall of the compressive strength of test pieces in 6-year marine exposure examination. (2) There is little penetration of the chloride ion in comparison with the concrete consists of ordinary Portland cement. (3) The corrosion of reinforcing bar starts for the early stage with a little quantity of chloride ion intrusion, the progress until six years is extremely small. (4) the corrosion speed of the reinforcing bar of concrete with low alkali cement in underground water including sea water were estimated as 0.30
0.55 mg/(cm
year). In case of using this concrete to structure with 100 mm cover thickness and 22 mm reinforcing bar diameter, the outbreak time of reinforcing corrosion crack were predicted as 50
100 years after construction.