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 年 ~ 


High pressure study on actinide compounds using a diamond anvil cell

立岩 尚之   

Tateiwa, Naoyuki


We have developed a system based on the diamond anvil cell for high pressure experiments. Noble gas argon is used as a pressure-transmitting medium. We have tested 12 kind of pressure-transmitting media commonly used for the high pressure studies. It is found that the noble gas argon is best one for the study up to 10 GPa. We have measured the electrical resistivity of a uranium antiferromagnet U$$_2$$Zn$$_{17}$$. The pressure dependences of the antiferromagnetic transition temperature and the characteristic temperature of the itinerant electronic state are discussed. It is found that the pressure effect on the physical properties in U$$_2$$Zn$$_{17}$$ is weak compared with the other heavy fermion system.



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