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Formulation of appropriate mechanical balance at gas-liquid interface on non-orthogonal mesh

伊藤 啓; 功刀 資彰*

Ito, Kei; Kunugi, Tomoaki*


For the purpose of direct simulations for gas entrainment (GE) phenomena, we are developing a high-accuracy gas-liquid two-phase flow simulation method on non-orthogonal meshes. In this study, appropriate formulations satisfying a mechanical balance between surface tension and pressure were derived to achieve a simulation with high-accuracy on distorted meshes. In the formulation, a surface tension potential was introduced. In addition, a new formulation to calculate a pressure gradient was introduced. Finally, the new formulations were verified by calculating a stationary gas-bubble in liquid. As a result, the present method succeeded in eliminating perfectly spurious velocities induced by conventional methods.



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