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Report No.

Performance test of the electronic personal neutron dosemeter in neutron fields simulating workplaces of MOX fuel fabrication facilities

Tsujimura, Norio   ; Yoshida, Tadayoshi ; Takada, Chie ; Nunomiya, Tomoya*; Aoyama, Kei*

The authors assessed performance of electronic personal neutron dosemeters (EPD). The EPD selected in this study is NRY21, manufactured by Fuji Electric Systems Co., Ltd. This dosemeter uses two silicon semiconductor detectors to provide wide measurable energy ranges from thermal to several tens of MeV. In the test, we focused on the energy and angular dependences of dose equivalent responses because it was of great importance in neutron dosimetry in work environments. Measurements of dose equivalent responses were performed in the moderated neutron field reproducing neutron spectra likely to be encountered in workplaces of MOX fuel facilities. Neutron dose equivalents given by EPD were compared with reference dose values. As a result, dose equivalent responses of this EPD were evaluated to be 0.7 to 1.1 for normal incidence of neutron irradiation. This is satisfactory performance required for personal neutron monitoring.



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