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Report No.

Dynamic nuclear polarization system for the SANS-J-II spectrometer at JAEA

Kumada, Takayuki   ; Noda, Yohei; Hashimoto, Takeji; Koizumi, Satoshi

We have developed dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) system for SANS-J-II at the JRR-3 atomic research reactor at Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Our system is composed of superconducting magnet (3.3 Tesla), Gunn oscillator as a microwave source (94 GHz), and cryostat (1.2 K). We succeeded in polarizing polyethylene sample up to 0.32 and observing effects of polarization on SANS profile. We plan to use the DNP and SANS system in order to determine structure factors of multi-component systems.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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