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Present status and economic scale of application of radiation contributing to the welfare of our life

柳澤 和章

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki


Economic scale of radiation application is defined as money based annual shipment of products those were partly or wholly utilized the technology of radiation during a fabrication process. As a result of our study that was supported financially by the Cabinet, the economic scale of nuclear energy is revealed to be 4,741 billion yen (BYen). This energy is considered to be useful for establishment of energy infrastructure in our country. On the other hand, an economic scale of radiation application is 4,112BYen. The sum of the two is called as nuclear utilization having economic scale as much as 8,853BYen, where the ratio between nuclear energy and radiation application is 54% vs. 46%. In our previous study, it was 61% vs. 39%. This is like wheels of car (Japanese economy), supporting the base of economic development. Nuclear utilization is corresponded to 1.8% of Gross Domestic Products.



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