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Report No.

Observation of O$$_{2}$$ adsorption on Si(111)-7$$times$$7 via trapping-mediated mechanism by real-time synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy

Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Teraoka, Yuden

Since initial sticking probability decreses with translational kinetic energy of O$$_{2}$$ from 0.03eV to 0.07eV, the trapping-mediated adsorption mechanism is dominant at this energy region. Using real-time O1s and Si2p photoelectron spectroscopy, we observe the time evolution of adsorption states and those correlation as a finction of Ek. When Ek becomes 0.07eV, the increase rate of each component becomes loose and the time correlation however is unchanged. This result indicates that the mobile precursor states which is physisorption state exists and the trapping probability dominates the initial adsorption process.



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