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Report No.

Hydrogen retention induced by ion implantation in tungsten trioxide films

Inoue, Aichi; Yamamoto, Shunya; Nagata, Shinji*; Yoshikawa, Masahito; Shikama, Tatsuo*

We quantitatively studied the relation between hydrogen retention and optical properties induced by hydrogen ion implantation in tungsten trioxide (WO$$_{3}$$) films. Films of WO$$_{3}$$ (300 nm) covered with tungsten metal layers (200 nm) were prepared on transparent SiO$$_{2}$$ substrates by a reactive sputtering in Ar and O$$_{2}$$ mixture. When H$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$ ions were implanted into the samples at an acceleration voltage of 10 kV, the concentration of hydrogen retaining in the WO$$_{3}$$ films increased up to 0.4 H/W in proportion to the fluence of H$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$ ions. The optical absorption coefficient at 750 nm of samples increased linearly by 3 $$mu$$m$$^{-1}$$ with increasing the concentration of hydrogen implanted up to 0.1 H/W. And then, increased and saturated at 4 $$mu$$m$$^{-1}$$ with the increase of hydrogen concentration higher than 0.1 H/W. It was found that the hydrogen retention up to 0.1 H/W in tungsten trioxide layers can be monitored by measuring the optical absorbance.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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