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Report No.

Hydraulic analysis for high-speed free-surface flow of IFMIF-EVEDA liquid lithium target

Ida, Mizuho; Asahara, Hiroo; Nakamura, Hiroo

For design of liquid lithium (Li) target of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF), two-dimensional hydraulic/thermal-hydraulic analyses were performed using codes PHOENICS and FLOW-3D. The analyses clarified effect of a 2-step contraction nozzle with high contraction-ration of 10 upon generation of high-speed uniform flow. The nozzle was selected for IFMIF target. Also transient behaviors of pressure and velocity profiles from uniform in the nozzle to gradient on the concave back-plate were clarified. With the clarified behaviors and thermal-hydraulic analysis, no Li boiling at the IFMIF target in case of back-plate curvature of 10 m or less was predicted. EVADA Lithium Test Loop with the selected contraction nozzle is operated, hydraulically simulating IFMIF target flow to validate IFMIF design. Also three-dimensional hydraulic/thermal-hydraulic analyses using a code FLUENT are going for engineering designs of the EVEDA and IFMIF targets.



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