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Report No.

Effect of different welding rods on mechanical property of dissimilar weld zone in F82H back plate for IFMIF liquid lithium-target

Furuya, Kazuyuki*; Miyashita, Makoto; Ida, Mizuho; Wakai, Eiichi  ; Nakamura, Hiroo

The IFMIF is an accelerator-based intense neutron source for testing candidate materials for fusion reactors. Intense neutrons are emitted inside the Li flow through a backplate. Since the backplate will be operated under a severe neutron irradiation of 50 dpa / year, application of RAF/Ms such as F82H steel is selected. In Japanese design option, F82H is welded with a lip seal made of an austenitic stainless steel type-316L, by TIG-welding. Purpose of this study is to investigate metallurgical and mechanical property of dissimilar welding joint applied for different type of welding rod (SMW82), and to select the optimum welding rod material.



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