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Report No.

Development of production technology of ZrC-coated particle, 2 (Contract research)

Yasuda, Atsushi; Ueta, Shohei   ; Aihara, Jun ; Ishibashi, Hideharu*; Sawa, Kazuhiro

The Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR) is one of the candidates for the Generation IV nuclear energy system. ZrC coated fuel particles are expected to make the performance of the VHTR higher. Therefore, we are investigating the ZrC-coating process. From April 2007 to March 2008, ZrC-outer pyrolytic carbon (OPyC) layer continuous coating tests were carried out with the nonnuclear particles and we succeeded to coat continuously the ZrC layer and the OPyC layer with the thicknesses up to about 27 and about 48 $$mu$$m, respectively, in the batch scale of 100 g.



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