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Report No.

Analysis of deuteron induced incomplete fusion reaction with Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels method

Hashimoto, Shintaro  ; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Chiba, Satoshi; Yahiro, Masanobu*

The incomplete or complete fusion reaction, in which a part or the whole of a projectile, respectively, is absorbed by a target, proceeds through a compound process. There is a long history of the study of the compound reaction. However, the incomplete fusion process is not sufficiently well understood. Recently, the study of neutron-rich nuclei has been studied, and the understanding of the incomplete fusion process in the reaction involving unstable nuclei is required. Since breakup of a weakly bound nucleus, such as deuteron, takes place easily in the reaction, the model taking into account the breakup process is required for the analysis. We applied the Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels (CDCC) method to the analysis in order to understand the reaction mechanism of incomplete fusion. In the present paper, we show results of each fusion cross section in the deuteron induced reaction on $$^7$$Li target, and discuss the importance of the incomplete fusion process.



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