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Report No.

Measurement of DT and DD neutrons with a TOF spectrometer for determination of fuel ion density ratio in ITER

Okada, Koichi*; Kondo, Keitaro; Ochiai, Kentaro; Sato, Satoshi; Konno, Chikara  ; Okamoto, Atsushi*; Kobuchi, Takashi*; Kitajima, Sumio*; Sasao, Mamiko*

Measurement of fuel ion density ratio, $$n$$$$_{rm D}$$/$$n$$$$_{rm T}$$, is required for burning control on ITER. The measured $$n$$$$_{rm D}$$/$$n$$$$_{rm T}$$ ratio must be fed back in real time. A neutron measurement system to measure $$n$$$$_{rm D}$$/$$n$$$$_{rm T}$$ should be operable at high counting rate. It is estimated that the number of emitted DT neutrons is 200 times higher than that of DD neutrons under the condition of ITER standard operation. A neutron measurement system was developed using a DT/DD generator, where DT neutrons are dominant and DD neutrons are contaminated slightly in the neutron beam. The measurement instrument was a TOF spectrometer. Signals originating from each neutron must be distinguished in order to measure the fuel ratio. We developed a circuit system with discrimination windows to distinguish each signal pulse, and DT and DD neutrons were measured separately and simultaneously with this system. The experimental result indicates a possibility that this system is suitable for measurement of fuel ion density ratio on ITER.



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