※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

宇宙における強誘電体の氷について; 中性子回折実験で存在提唱

Space glaciology; Study suggests ferroelectric ice in the Universe

深澤 裕; 荒川 雅

Fukazawa, Hiroshi; Arakawa, Masashi


We do experiments on ice prepared at much higher pressure conditions. We aim to observe the ferroelectric ice and hydrogen-ordered structures below 130 K using the WAND. We try to observe the phase transition from disordered phases to the ferroelectric ice or other ordered phases around 40$$sim$$130 K (The value is the same as the temperature of Pluto's surface and inner). The experiment will reveal the whole picture of low-temperature ice structures. In this symposium we report recent results at the HFIR and our future plan using higher intensity neutron beam.



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