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Report No.

Oxidation behaviour of P122 and a 9Cr-2W ODS steel at 550$$^{circ}$$C in oxygen-containing flowing lead-bismuth eutectic

Schroer, C.*; Konys, J.*; Furukawa, Tomohiro  ; Aoto, Kazumi 

The long-term performance of P122 and ODS steel was tested in oxygen-containing flowing lead-bismuth eutectic at 550 $$^{circ}$$C and a flow velocity of 2 m/s by means of exposure experiments in the CORRIDA loop of FZK. The target for the enrichment of dissolved oxygen was a concentration, c$$_{o}$$, of 10$$^{-6}$$mass%. Owing to initial problems in controlling c$$_{o}$$, some of the exposed specimens experienced varying conditions, which allowed for investigating the influence of temporarily low c$$_{o}$$ (down to 10$$^{-9}$$mass%), in addition to constantly high c$$_{o}$$ (averaging 1.6$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$mass%). Maximum exposure times at constantly high c$$_{o}$$ were 10,000 and 20,000 h for P122 and the ODS steel, respectively. Under the testing conditions, both steels were affected by moderate oxidation resulting in the formation of a compact layer of a spinel-type oxide on the surface and a more or less pronounced internal oxidation zone. The thickness of the oxide scale was quantified and used for determining the material loss. For c$$_{o}$$ = 10$$^{-6}$$mass%, logarithmic and power rate laws were fitted to the obtained data as a basis for predicting the metal recession at times exceeding the experimental exposure times.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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