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Report No.

Supplement to OPTMAN code, Manual version 10 (2008)

Soukhovitski, E.*; Chiba, Satoshi; Capote, R.*; Quesada, J.*; Kunieda, Satoshi  ; Morogovskij, G.*

A coupled-channel code to calculate nuclear cross sections, OPTMAN, has been improved after OPTMAN version 8 was published as JAERI-Data/Code 2005-002. The most important addition is the inclusion of dispersive relationships between imaginary and real parts of the optical potential within a Lane consistent formalism. The obtained CCOM potentials allow for the description of nucleon induced reactions up to 200 MeV, including (p,n) reactions with excitation of isobaric analog states. Relativistic corrections consistent with those used in the ECIS06 code are also added.



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