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Report No.

Experimental study on the applicability of the abrasive water jet for dismantling the reactor core of Fugen

Nakamura, Yasuyuki ; Iwai, Hiroki ; Sano, Kazuya ; Morishita, Yoshitsugu ; Maruyama, Shinichiro*; Tezuka, Shinichi*; Ogane, Daisuke*; Takashima, Yuji*

The advanced thermal reactor (Fugen) at Fugen Decommissioning Engineering Center is characterized by its tube-cluster construction. As a part of the study of dismantling, we are considering the abrasive water jet (AWJ) technique that could be used for the dismantlement techniques of double-tubes (pressure tube and calandria tube) as one of possible methods. As a part of tests, we confirmed the possibility of abrasive recycle for cutting and the applicability of cutting monitoring technique for reducing the volume of secondary wastes and developing the cutting monitoring technique in the water.



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