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Report No.

SWAT3.1; The Integrated burnup code system driving continuous energy Monte Carlo codes MVP and MCNP

Suyama, Kenya; Mochizuki, Hiroki*; Takada, Tomoyuki*; Ryufuku, Susumu*; Okuno, Hiroshi  ; Murazaki, Minoru; Okubo, Kiyoshi

Integrated burnup calculation code system SWAT is a system that combines neutronics calculation code SRAC widely used in Japan and point burnup calculation code ORIGEN2. It has been used to evaluate the composition of the uranium, plutonium, minor actinide and the fission products in the spent nuclear fuel. Because of the ability to treat the arbitrary fuel geometry and no requirement of generating the effective cross section data, there is a great advantage to introduce continuous energy Monte Carlo Code into the burnup calculation code. Based on this idea, the integrated burnup calculation code system SWAT3.1 was developed by combining the continuous energy Monte Carlo code MVP and MCNP and ORIGEN2. This report describes the outline, input data instruction and several example of the calculation.



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