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Report No.

Benchmarking of neutral beam current drive codes as a basis for the integrated modeling for ITER

Oikawa, Toshihiro; Park, J. M.*; Polevoi, A. R.*; Schneider, M.*; Giruzzi, G.*; Murakami, M.*; Tani, Keiji*; Sips, A. C. C.*

The author has been leading a neutral beam current drive code benchmark in the ITPA IOS topical group frame. Presently, the orbit following Monte-Carlo codes OFMC, NUBEAM and SPOT and the Fokker-Planck codes ACCOME and ASTRA have been compared. The NB fast ion source profile agrees well among the codes that employ different beam models and beam stopping models. The heating profile generally agrees, but there is visible discrepancy. This is considerted to result from finite orbit width effects. Large differenence is observed in the NBCD profile. OFMC and ACCOME calculates the initial pitch angle of a fast ion against the toroidal magnetic field, which should correctly be against the equilibrium field. By correcting this the difference is expected to be resolved to some degree. ASTRA's deviation from other codes results from its too simplified NBI geometry and a Fokker-Planck equation derived for a cylinder plasma being used, which does not accordingly include toroidal effects.



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