Development and demonstration of remote experiment system with high security in JT-60U
小関 隆久; 鈴木 喜雄 ; 戸塚 俊之; 射場 克幸*; 坂田 信也; 宮戸 直亮; 諫山 明彦; 井手 俊介; Urso, L.*; Behler, K.*; Hobirk, J.*; Maraschek, M.*; Zohm, H.*; 長崎 百伸*; 小林 進二*; 竹永 秀信; 中島 康平; 大島 貴幸; 清野 公広; 栗原 研一; 小出 芳彦; 藤田 隆明
Ozeki, Takahisa; Suzuki, Yoshio; Totsuka, Toshiyuki; Iba, Katsuyuki*; Sakata, Shinya; Miyato, Naoaki; Isayama, Akihiko; Ide, Shunsuke; Urso, L.*; Behler, K.*; Hobirk, J.*; Maraschek, M.*; Zohm, H.*; Nagasaki, Kazunobu*; Kobayashi, Shinji*; Takenaga, Hidenobu; Nakajima, Kohei; Oshima, Takayuki; Kiyono, Kimihiro; Kurihara, Kenichi; Koide, Yoshihiko; Fujita, Takaaki
Remote experiment system with high network security has been developed in JT-60U. The remote experiment system is produced by personal authentication with a digital certificate and encryption of communication data to protect the JT-60U supervisory control system against illegal access. Remote experiment in JT-60U has been successfully demonstrated from Kyoto University (Japan) in 2006 and internationally from IPP Garching (Germany) in 2007. The validity of the system was obtained. Results are great advances towards remote experiments in ITER.