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Report No.

Angle-correlated spectrum measurement for two neutrons emitted from (n,2n) reaction with the coincidence detection technique using a pencil-beam DT neutron source

Murata, Isao*; Takagi, Satoshi*; Kondo, Keitaro; Shiken, Kimiaki*; Miyamaru, Hiroyuki*; Mitsuda, Motoyuki; Maekawa, Fujio  ; Ochiai, Kentaro; Nishitani, Takeo

A technique was developed to measure the angle-correlated neutron energy spectrum with the coincidence detection technique using a pencil-beam DT neutron source at the Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Triple differential cross-sections of the $$^{55}$$Mn(n,2n) reaction were measured first, from which the total $$^{55}$$Mn(n,2n) reaction cross-section was deduced and compared with JENDL-3.3. The agreement was sufficient to prove the validity of the technique. With the present measuring technique, a complete measurement of a medium-heavy or heavy element such as manganese would become possible through several measurements, because the angle dependence of the emitted neutrons from it is normally weak. The technique will be a useful tool for measuring the angle-correlated neutron spectrum of light elements such as beryllium for investigation of their complicated nuclear reaction mechanism.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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