Imaging of
Cd translocation in oilseed rape plants treated with different Cd concentrations
鈴井 伸郎; 藤巻 秀; 石岡 典子; 河地 有木; 松橋 信平; 服部 浩之*; 茅野 充男*; 中村 進一*
Suzui, Nobuo; Fujimaki, Shu; Ishioka, Noriko; Kawachi, Naoki; Matsuhashi, Shimpei; Hattori, Hiroyuki*; Chino, Mitsuo*; Nakamura, Shinichi*
Cadmium (Cd) is one of toxic heavy metal element. In order to decrease Cd accumulation in these products, it is necessary to elucidate mechanisms of Cd long-distance transport in the plant body. In this research, we tried to elucidate mechanisms of Cd long-distance transport by visualizing Cd transport in the plant body using positron emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS) and
Cd. Oilseed rape plants (Brassica napus L.) were grown hydroponically for two weeks after sowing. In this PETIS experiment, different concentrations of Cd (0.1
M and 10
M) were added as a carrier to hydroponic solutions. 0.1
M is comparable to the Cd concentration in the soil solution from non Cd-polluted soils. 10
M is comparable to the toxic Cd concentration for oilseed rape plants. As a result, the pattern of Cd accumulation in the oilseed rape plants was similar in the different Cd concentrations (0.1
M and 10
M). These results indicate that in early stages, Cd concentration in the hydroponic solution do not have effects on Cd absorption in the root systems.